The Japanese Canadian Cultural Expo provides an opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to engage in learning about Japanese culture and traditions. Participants can experience various cultural workshops and explore aspects of Japanese heritage.
Join us for part two of six series of our Japanese Canadian Cultural Expo:
Learn the teachings of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism
Learn the teachings of Jōdo Shinshū (also known as Shin Buddhism in the West) is a school of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism founded by Shinran Shonin (1173-1262) led by Sensei Tanis Moore of Manitoba
Buddhist Temple.
Sensei Tanis Moore is a lay minister at the Manitoba Buddhist Temple that follows the teachings of Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism. She studied at the Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist Temples of Canada. As a participant, she went to seminars at the Jodo Shinshu Centre in Berkley, Calfornia. In 2019, she traveled to the Nishi Hongwanji in Kyoto, Japan receiving her Tokudo ordination, under the leadership of Bishop Tatsuya Aoki of the Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist Temples of Canada. Her interests include traditional Chinese medicine and working with Winnipeg’s interfaith community.
Sunday, November 10, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Bill and Helen Norrie Library
15 Poseidon Bay
Everyone from all backgrounds is welcome to attend. Registration is required due to limited space, and it will also help us prepare more effectively for the event. We look forward to continuing to build bridges and foster multiculturalism, strengthening relationships between diverse communities within Canadian society.
Sponsored by:
We gratefully acknowledge support from the Community Fund of the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society.
e gratefully acknowledge support from the Community Fund of the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society.
The Japanese Canadian Cultural Expo provides an opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to engage in learning about Japanese culture and traditions. Participants can experience various cultural workshops and explore aspects of Japanese heritage.
Japanese Tea Ceremony Saturday, November 9
Learn the teachings of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism Sunday, November 10
Learn how to make Japanese Origami Saturday, November 16
Learn how to write Shodō Japanese Calligraphy Sunday, November 17
Learn how to write Haiku – Japanese Poetry Sunday, November 24
Learn the basics of the Shakuhachi Japanese Flute Saturday, November 30